Issue Position: Affordable Housing

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2017

We can no longer wait to build Affordable Housing in New Jersey.

Let's begin to build homes for the 37% of New Jerseyans who are working poor. The working poor live in your town! Every town in New Jersey has 15-22% of its residents not able to get ahead even though they work every day.

12 years of inaction will be OVER in 2018! The Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) is needed now more than ever. Their work is essential to making New Jersey work for all New Jerseyans. It's time for the State to create workable guidelines and fund this agency.

We need to build the 280,000 new affordable housing units in the state by 2022 to allow the millennial college graduates and low wage earners to live in the communities where they work.

Time for an Independent Governor to honor our commitment to the working poor.
